The OBJECTIVES OF THE SOCIETY “Anagenesis” are as follows:
- The unity and mutual cooperation of all Epirotes who reside in the City of New York and its environs.
- The mutual aid and mutual support of the members of the Society.
- The development of the social and intellectual bonds among the members of the Society and, in general, between them and the Greek-American community through the establishment of a Cultural Center.
- The preservation of the Greek language and the Greek Cultural traditions; the projection and propagation of the Greek-Christian ideals within the American society through various cultural expressions.
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About Epirus
EPIRUS is a province in the northwestern corner of Greece. It has an area of 3551 sq. miles (9200 sq. km), and borders Albania to the north, Thessaly and Macedonia to the east, central Greece to the south, and the Ionian Sea & Ionian Islands to the West.
Historically, Epirus extended further north into what is now Albania. There are still Greeks living in southern Albania, an area that Greeks call Northern Epirus.
The people of Epirus have traditionally engaged in sheep & goat herding, dairy production, farming, and fishing. These economic activities and the distinctiveness of each region are reflected in the objects created in each area.
- MEMORIAL SERVICE in memory of all deceased members of the organization at a local church.
- The FEAST DAY of NEOMARTYROS IOANNINON GEORGIOU, patron of the Society. It is celebrated with a panegyric liturgy and with a ceremony of breaking and blessing the holy bread (artoklasia) in one of the Orthodox churches of New York City, the Sunday following the 17th of January.
- THE LIBERATION of Ioannina. It is commemorated the 21st of February with doxology and memorial services honoring those Epirotes who died in the 1912-1913 struggles. A speech will be delivered and a reception will follow. All Greek-American organizations are invited to attend.
There is no doubt that the Society will continue to grow and progress. Epirotes love their organization, because it has a strong and solid base. Epirotes are distinguished for their neatness, the wisdom, harmony, cooperation and love, and they apply the same principles to their organizations. They always follow the Constitution’s rules and respect the administration and the organization’s members. The organization’s priority has always been the good-spirited cooperation for the best service to its members, rather than a mere quest for fundraising.
Who inspires us