Inspirations from the Hellenic Past:
The Heritage of Epirus through Modern Eyes
Curator: Anna Konstantatos; Co-curator: Leonora Retsas
This special exhibit aimed to highlight the museum’s permanent collection of textiles, decorative objects, and agricultural and household tools through works of art that represented how 19th- and early 20th-century Epirotan designs inspired—and were incorporated into—art created in the 21st-century. The works of the following seven artists were displayed in this exhibit alongside the objects that inspired their work: Virginia Asman, Margaret Force, James Konstantatos, Jean Messner, Leonora Retsas, Mihai Stansescu, and Caroline M. Sun. The special exhibit was curated by Anna Konstantatos and co-curated by Leonora Retsas, and ran from Friday, October 1, 2010 until Friday, November 19, 2010.